Candyland Strain


What Is the Candyland Strain?

The Candyland strain is a sativa-dominant hybrid and a cross of the indica Granddaddy Purple and Bay Platinum Cookies.

Candyland’s THC content varies depending on the potency of the particular bud that you get your hands on. It can be relatively mild, around 14%, but it can also be as high as 19%.

candyland strain

Candyland’s high starts with a feeling of euphoria, which tapers off gradually. Most users say that this strain leaves them feeling happy, uplifted, and energized. Therefore it is best suited to daytime use.


Candyland’s fragrance is a combination of sweet, piney, herbal, earthy, and pungent aromas. This rich mixture combines to give Candyland its unique and pleasant fragrance.


This strain is renowned for its sweet candy-like taste, hence the name. It also has several prominent flavors that come to the fore when smoked. A sweet, fruity, berry flavor combined with earthy, piney notes make Candyland a real taste sensation.



Candyland is quite a tall plant when fully grown. It has small, dense, green buds, which can turn almost purple in some plants.

During the flowering stage, a Candyland plant becomes heavily frosted with trichomes. These cover the entire plant by harvest time. It also has long and thin, dark orange pistils that grow prominently around the leaves.

Candyland Strain Grow Info

The good news is that experienced Candyland cultivators rate it as easy to grow. One reason for this is that the plant is highly resistant to mold and mildew. Therefore, humidity levels are less of a concern when growing this plant indoors.

While you can grow Candyland indoors or outdoors, it thrives outside, particularly in a warm, sunny, and dry climate. This plant grows quite tall and lanky. Its skinny frame comes under a lot of pressure from the added weight of the growing buds as they begin to flourish and multiply. Therefore, you will need to use supports to help your Candyland plants manage the extra weight.

Candyland Strain Effects

Most users report that Candyland makes them feel happy, uplifted and euphoric. This makes it a great choice for both medical and recreational purposes. For those enjoying Candlyand recreationally try using it during the day or when you need to be uplifted, motivated or energized. Generally, it’s not recommended to use a strain like this before bed as it may keep you up and give you more energy.


Oz, 1/4, 1/2, 1 Pound


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